Online payment with PayPal instant notification
One of the main advantages of online shopping is the ability to close sales at any time of day in minutes. That will require the customer to create your order and pay for time because late payment methods (transfer bank, cash on delivery, etc..) have a high rate of repentance.
The only safe way to accept payments and immediate are the POS virtual provide only recognized financial institutions
solvency. Banks usually anchored in operation traditional, are quite reluctant to grant this service and this has led us to opt for paypal, a system modern, spread throughout the world, easy and safe. For bank POS integrations of other entities, have a budget. Broadly speaking, to integrate your online store with payment paypal with IPN (instant payment notification) you must:
1.- Sign me up for paypal. Free create a user account for paypal standard payment by providing your details and an account number where you make income payments received.
2.- Personalize your online POS paypal. Although optional, it is recommended that you customize the look of your POS online with your logo or corporate colors to increase customer confidence in the payment process.
3.- Generate an API key paypal. In your paypal account have an option that allows you to create free API key that you will use to communicate your online store with your custom POS.
Paypal is the ideal solution for starting an e-commerce project